Tax Surprises for the Newly Retired

You’ve got it all planned out. Your retirement savings accounts are full, you have started receiving Social Security benefits and your pension is ready to go. Everything is planned. What could go wrong? Here are five surprises that can turn your plan on a dime. 1....

Tax Tips to Aid in Retiring Early

  Wouldn’t it be nice to check out of the workforce early and not have to worry about having enough money for retirement? While good financial planning can help you get there, leveraging the tax code as part of your retirement plan is also a good idea. Here are...

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act

Signed into law June 5th, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act modifies the original PPP loan provisions of CARES Act. Among other items, the law addresses some of the concerns borrowers have regarding loan forgiveness. Loan Forgiveness Provisions: • The...