Audit Target: The Sole Proprietor

Tip Category: The Audit Each year the IRS publishes their activities in a publication called the Data Book. And each year for the past number of years the number one target of audits are those tax returns with a Schedule C for small business activity. So how can you...

The Marriage Penalty is Alive and Well

Despite what you may think, the marriage penalty is still alive and well. Whether you’re changing your filing status in 2022 because of marriage, divorce or another event (or even if your filing status staying the same), you should review this information and plan...

The Tax-Free Retirement Savings Option

The Tax-Free Retirement Savings Option Is a Roth IRA right for you? If you are looking for tax-free income and more flexibility during retirement, perhaps you should look into investing in a Roth IRA. While Roth IRA contributions are not sheltered from current taxes...

Gig Workers: What’s Up with Form 1099K?

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who gets paid through one or more third-party payment networks — perhaps you’re an Uber driver, you rent your house through Airbnb, or you get paid through PayPal or Venmo for lawn maintenance — you will likely start seeing a...