ALERT: Your 1099’s are coming soon

Virtually every small business, including sole-proprietors, must issue at least one 1099 each year. And this year there is a new one called the 1099 NEC. Here is a summary of the most common of these informational tax forms that you will need to file your tax return...

IRS Indentity Theft Season Begins Now

IRS Identity Theft Season Begins Now Each year thieves try to steal billions in federal withholdings by stealing your identity. As the IRS focuses more attention on this quickly growing problem, now is the time of year to be extra vigilant. Early tax filing season is...

Are You a Contractor or Employee?

Are You a Contractor or Employee? Knowing the difference is very important Tip Category: Miscellaneous Are you an independent contractor or an employee? As the pandemic continues, many long-time employees are now picking up jobs as contractors. In the meantime, states...